The Central Coast welcomes events of all types and sizes. Find out about the scale of events we can support, the resources you’ll need, how to apply and how Central Coast Council can support you holding a successful event.
Please be advised that we are currently experiencing a longer than usual wait time for processing of all medium and large special event applications. The below table has been updated to reflect this.
Please ensure to factor in the timeframe when submitting your application.
Central Coast Council has a range of spaces available for hire for events. For further information about venues and availability (other than for Medium to Major Special Events) visit:
If you are planning an event on one of Council's open spaces, please review the information below.
Event Classification
Minimum Notification Timeframes
Event categories* | Approximate attendance | Application form required | Minimum Notification Timeframes |
Small - Passive Bookings | Less than 80 people | Small events | Central Coast Council for information and Discover Reserves in Central Coast Council | Bookable to book. | Two weeks prior to event |
Small - Weddings | 80-200 people | Weddings | Central Coast Council for information and Discover Reserves in Central Coast Council | Bookable to book | Eight weeks prior to event |
Medium | 80-500 people | Special Event Application | Four months prior to event |
Large | 500-1000 people | Special Event Application | Seven months prior to event |
Major | More than 1000 people | Special Event Application | Nine months prior to event |
*The ‘event category’ is determined not just by attendance figures but also can be ranked in a higher category if the event is complex, involves multiple stakeholders and/or has significant impact to the surrounding community (e.g. road closures). Applications who do not meet these minimum notification timeframes will be declined, or charged a Late Application Fee if it is deemed possible to process in time. It is safer to assume the longer notification timeframe applies if you are not sure which category your event falls in, however the information below will assist you to determine this more accurately.
Medium events
Medium events are those that will have a low to medium impact on the local community with an approximate attendance of 80 - 500 people. They may include some of the following:
- sale of alcohol (will require a Liquor Licence from Liquor and Gaming NSW)
- the sale or provision of food
- additional toilet facilities
- additional waste/recycling facilities
- local event advertising and/or promotion
- impact on the non-event community, but not over a wide area.
Large events
Large events will have medium impact on the local community with an approximate attendance of 500 - 1000 people. They may include some of the following:
- impact local traffic and parking
- sale of alcohol (Will require a Liquor Licence from Liquor and Gaming NSW)
- the sale or provision of food
- local or regional event advertising and/or promotion
- additional toilet facilities
- additional waste/recycling facilities
- security
- access to the water and electricity supply
- liaising with NSW Police, Liquor and Gaming NSW and additional government and non-government organisations
- impact on the non-event community but not over a wide area.
Major events
With an expected attendance of over 1000 people, major events will have a high impact on the community. They may include all or some of the following:
- sale of alcohol (Will require a Liquor Licence from Liquor and Gaming NSW);
- the sale or provision of food
- security
- additional toilet facilities
- additional waste/recycling facilities
- requires access to the water and electricity supply
- extensive event advertising and/or promotion
- affects major traffic and transport systems
- affects car parking
- liaising with NSW Police, Transport for NSW, Liquor and Gaming NSW and additional government and non-government organisations
- impacts on the non-event community over a wide area.
Things to consider when planning your event
Please review the Special Event Guidelines for guidance prior to submitting an application to Central Coast Council to hold an Event in Open Space Areas. The guidelines provide advice regarding the application process, relevant statutory requirements and other Council provisions to ensure events are safe, well-coordinated and successful with minimal adverse impacts on the community, environment and Council.
Your booking will ensure that there are no other bookings for the same time and in the same location. However, being public land, the approval does not guarantee exclusive use of the area and its facilities.
Central Coast Council keeps its parks and gardens tidy on a routine maintenance program. We cannot control leaf or other debris from weather events or people using the area before your event.
Pre-Requisite Approvals
Prior to applying, check if your event requires the following approvals/licences to avoid delays as these are a pre-requisite for Special Event Approval:
- Development Assessment (DA): To determine if a DA is required, please check your event details against the DA exempt/complying criteria using the resource at Running a temporary community event: Rules for exempt and complying development ( OR seek advice from Council’s Development Planners via information at Pre-development meetings | Central Coast Council ( If applicable, please add nine months to the approval timeframe. More information and the application process: Lodge a development application | Central Coast Council (
- Temporary Road Closure AND/OR Road Occupancy Licencing: If using road/carpark assets for your event, check applicability and submit via the application at the relevant link below around the same time as your Special Event Application.
Activities that are not permitted
- Vehicle access into park or beach areas (vehicles must be parked in designated car parking spaces).
- Balloons
- Alcohol
- Fireworks
- Pegging/ Excavation
- Glass
- Smoking
- Commercial Signage (except for the name/s of an event)
- Amusement Devices (e.g. inflatable jumping castle) at Private Functions
Conditional approval may be granted for selected activities in the list above in specific circumstances if:
- reasonably justified
- any negative impacts and/or risks are appropriately mitigated; and,
- affected stakeholders are consulted and are supportive.
If you would like to propose an exception to an activity listed here as part of your application, please allow more processing time to the above-mentioned “Minimum Notification Timeframes” and ensure back-up planning for the circumstance your proposal is denied.
Central Coast Council support and grants
For Major Events…
Major Events are a key component of the visitor economy and Central Coast Council is committed to developing and attracting major events to the Central Coast. Central Coast Council's Tier 1 and 2 sponsorship funding programs are open throughout the year for applications to assist event planners wishing to relocate an existing major event to the Central Coast or to grow regional events already occurring in the area.
Central Coast Council also recommends that major events planners familiarise themselves with the resources and funding programs available via Destination NSW.
For Community Events…
Council also has a range of grant funding programs open for application throughout the year which are intended to support community initiatives including community events. More information is available via Grants | Central Coast Council.
Council also provides reduced event booking fees for any not-for-profit/charitable organisations organising Community Events.
Applications to hold a Special Event
Use this Event Booking - Special Event application form to book a special event at one of Central Coast Council's open space areas.
Applications must be accompanied by the below supporting documentation as a minimum:
- Detailed Site Map - Marking out placement of any structures (for example - chairs, tables, marquees, and BBQs)
- Public Liability Insurance - Certificate of Currency with minimum cover of $20 million, or intention to attain/renew for event date coverage.
- Risk Management Plan - Outlining all possible risks that may occur, however unlikely, and how you intend to eliminate or control these risks. A template is available via: Special Event Site Specific - Risk Management Plan | Central Coast Council
- Environmental Risk Assessment – Use the template available via: Special Event Environmental Risk Assessment | Central Coast Council
For any questions that remain unanswered by the above information and documentation linked below, please contact our Customer Service Centre on 02 4306 7900 to be directed to the relevant Council Officer below:
- Reserve Bookings Officer: For Small Events, Weddings and Reserve Access Bookings, and Commercial Licencing, on Council’s Open Spaces.
- Special Event Assessment Officer: For Medium to Major Event Bookings on Council’s Open Spaces.
- Community Bookings Officer: For Community Facility bookings e.g. in Halls.
- Events Officer: For Event Bookings at Kibble Park, Wyong Town Park, The Entrance Memorial Park, and Toukley Village Green, OR to discuss collaboration/partnership on any Council Facilitated/Hosted Events (e.g. Lakes Festival, Harvest Festival, Love Lanes, etc).