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Strategy for the management of flying-foxes on public exhibition

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Central Coast Council is asking for public comment on the first strategy to manage flying-foxes on the Central Coast.

The Central Coast Flying-Fox Management Strategy, assisted by the New South Wales Government and supported by Local Government NSW, provides a framework for the management of all local flying-fox camps and their habitats.

Council Director Assets, Infrastructure & Business, Mike Dowling, said the Strategy was developed in partnership with other regional councils to provide a consistent approach to flying-fox management.

“Whilst the strategy has a local focus, our collaboration with Hunter Councils Environment Division acknowledges that flying-fox colonies extend beyond our region and confirms the commitment by Council to delivering a holistic and sustainable management approach,” Mr Dowling said.

“Flying-foxes are key to the biodiversity of our region and play an important role as pollinators and seed dispersers for many of our native trees.

“It is about ensuring the protection of these species with a strategy that proactively addresses the lack of understanding and potential conflicts in our urban areas.”

The Strategy considers the four known active flying-fox roosting or ‘camp’ areas on the Central Coast - Watanobbi, Woy Woy, North Avoca and Wyoming - along with dormant historic or new camps which may become active in the future.

Mayor Smith said that Council’s exhibition of the strategy will provide an opportunity for input from the community.

“Community feedback is an important part of this process and we want the community to review the strategy and have your say,” Mayor Smith said.

“Once the Strategy has been adopted, Council will be eligible to apply for funding to help manage issues that may arise from local flying fox populations.

“Council will also undertake further education and engagement with the community as the Strategy is rolled out.”

Details of the Central Coast Flying-fox Management Strategy and how to put in a submission can be found at Submissions close on 24 May 2018.


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