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Highlights of the 25 June 2018 Council Meeting

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Council adopts first ever Community Strategic Plan for the region

Council has adopted the first ever Community Strategic Plan for the region, titled One – Central Coast.

The plan represents the culmination of 18 months of extensive consultation with the community and establishes a road map for the future of the Central Coast over the next decade.

Mayor Jane Smith said the process to develop the Coast’s first ever Community Strategic Plan engaged many thousands of people in the local community and is a true representation of what our community think, feel, want and value.

“The adoption of the first Community Strategic Plan for the Central Coast is significant in many ways,” Mayor Smith said.

“It is the first single plan that defines the priorities of our community and represents a considered and evidence-based roadmap for the future of the Central Coast.

“It defines the environmental and social qualities the community have told us they love about the Central Coast and provides a clear path of action for what Council needs to prioritise and deliver to meet the needs of our growing population.

The Plan comprises five key themes based on this vision that encapsulate the voice and values of the Central Coast community:

  • Belonging
  • Smart
  • Green
  • Responsible
  • Liveable

The Plan also defines a Community vision – “We are One Central Coast. A smart, green, and liveable region with a shared sense of belonging and responsibility.”

Connected Communities Director, Julie Vaughan said the Plan will enhance the day-to-day lives and opportunities of the Central Coast community through effective decision-making, planning and service delivery across all government and non-government agencies.

”Council alone cannot deliver the outcomes and objectives of this first ever Community Strategic Plan for the Central Coast,” Ms Vaughan said.

“Shared decision making and effective working partnerships with government agencies, non-government organisations, business and, of course, our local community will be critical to our collective success as a region.

“Together, we can create a vibrant and sustainable future for the Central Coast.”

The draft Plan was exhibited for a period of 28 days from 30 April to 28 May 2018 with a total of 30 submissions received. To view the final Plan, visit

Supporting the Community Strategic Plan is the adoption of the Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2018-19 and Resourcing Strategy, which have been developed based on the community aspirations and priorities voiced in the Community Strategic Plan. These documents provide a three year plan of priorities and a detailed one year plan of actions and projects.

Together, these documents clearly link to the Community Strategic Plan and demonstrate Council’s commitment to delivering One – Central Coast.

Capital works budget increased and rates set as Council adopts first Delivery Program and Operational Plan of the elected Council

Council has adopted an increased capital works budget for the next financial year by $50,000 from the publically exhibited capital works budget and allocated funding to major projects following community consultation on its three year Delivery Program and one year Operational Plan and Budget.

Read the full Operational Plan Media Release.

Council is delivering on roads capital works projects

Council is on-track to deliver over 570 roads projects as part of a $81.8million project spend according to a capital works project report as at 31 May.

Road upgrade projects on track this financial year, inclusive of staged projects, include:

  • Lake Road, Tuggerah – part of staged project
  • Blenheim Avenue, Berkeley Vale – part of staged project
  • The Ridgeway, Lisarow – part of staged project
  • Somersby Falls Road, Somersby – project completed
  • Langford Drive, Kariong – nearing completion

Mayor Jane Smith said Council was delivering significant improvements to the region’s road network on-time and to budget.

“Our roads and drainage department is tracking extremely well on planned works and is on-track to deliver more than 570 projects this financial year,” Mayor Smith said.

“The importance of road upgrades is top of mind for our community and this report demonstrates Council’s commitment to deliver the improvements our road network needs.”

Changes to Council meetings endorsed for public exhibition

Council is seeking community input on changes to the structure and timing of Council meetings in a bid to make them more efficient and focused on decision-making.

Public forums of 30 minutes before Council meeting with a limit on speakers and time limits on debate are being proposed.

Mayor Jane Smith said meetings were regularly exceeding the set finishing time and the need for extra meetings was putting a strain on resources and community members participating in meetings.

“We have a huge job to do as one of the largest Councils in the State and there are lots of decisions we need to make to ensure we can meet the needs of our community now and in the future,” Mayor Smith said.

“There are a range of channels for community members to engage with Council, including Advisory Groups, which are often more effective than speaking at Council Meetings.

“We are absolutely committed to open and transparent decision-making in the best interests of our community and need to find the right balance between the community and Councillors having their say while ensuring meetings are efficient and timely.

“The community will still get a say on issues in a forum to be held before the meeting leaving the actual meeting to be able to focus on the decision-making needed to move our Council and our region forward.”

The proposed changes will be publicly exhibited for 28 days and will be able on shortly.

Council backs large-scale events

Council has awarded $95,000 in sponsorship to support three events that will highlight the region and bring economic returns to the Coast.

A retro rugby league tournament, professional surfing event and regional business awards will share an initial $55,000 allocated from Council’s 2017-18 sponsorship budget. Two of the annual events will receive Council’s ongoing support for another two years.

Council has agreed to fund:

  • Central Business Excellence Awards: $15,000 over three years
  • Legends of League Tournament: $70,000 over three years
  • Central Coast Pro Surfing Competition: $10,000 in 2017-18.

Mayor Jane Smith said major events which attract widespread interest promote the Central Coast as not only a great tourist destination, but as a centre capable of hosting significant national events.

“We know that the Central Coast is a great place to work and play,” Mayor Smith said. “We want the rest of Australia to know that as well.

“Council’s support encourages event organisers to choose the Coast as a venue for large events which brings economic activity to our region.”

Applications for funding under Round 1 of the 2018-19 Sponsorship Program open on 1 August and close on 31 August 2018. Visit for details on how to apply.

Grants re-allocation of funds

Last night, Council reallocated $17,226 in community grant funding to the Uniting Church of Australia Trust (NSW) to run a Cultivating Community Through Cooking & Nutrition Program.

This project has been now funded as the organisers of the Long Jetty Street Festival have declined the offer of grant funding. Council staff are working with the event organisers to hopefully see the event return in 2019.

Council confirms commitment to E5 zoning for COSS

Council will write to the NSW Minister for Planning to request the consideration of an environmental (E5) zone as part of the NSW Standard Instrument – Principal Local Environment Plan for the protection of Central Coast COSS (Coastal Open Space System).

The proposed Zone E5 Public Conservation applies to public land assigned for conservation which is not NSW National Parks and Reserves identified, and was unanimously endorsed at the 2017 Local Government Conference.

Mayor Jane Smith said the E5 zoning would assure the long-term protection of Central Coast COSS lands.

“COSS is currently protected under E2 zoning which is broadly defined and open to interpretation,” she said.

“This new zone would ensure that identified land under the ownership of Council can be protected for our community and future generations.”

FAQs about E5 will be incorporated in the Central Coast Consolidated Local Environment Plan (LEP) which will be publicly exhibited.

The COSS consists of over 70 natural reserves set aside for plant and animal habitats and nature-based recreation and includes woodland ridgelines, gallery rainforests, steep cliffs, wetlands and creeks.

The recommendation was brought forward from the COSS Committee meeting held on May 23 2018 and endorsed by Council on 25 June.

Moving ahead to deliver new community playground within Gwandalan subdivision

Council will research options for the provision of a local playground in the vicinity of a recent subdivision near Kanangra Drive, Gwandalan.

The Planning Assessment Commission (PAC) granted approval in 2011 for the subdivision of 187 residential lots at Kanangra Drive, Gwandalan, which comprised of two lots for public open space.

Some local residents have raised concerns about the lack of a local playground which was originally intended as part of the subdivision. Council will be reviewing specifics around the playground and open space areas and investigate funding opportunities from the Section 94 contributions (developer paid levies).

Council will hold a consultation meeting with local residents to discuss options going forward and report to Council at the last Ordinary Council meeting in August 2018 on the outcome of the investigations and community consultations.

Playgrounds are highly valued by the community and provide many health and wellbeing benefits for residents and visitors. Council continually invests in maintenance upgrades and the construction of new playgrounds and in our region.

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