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Have your say on the first implementation phase of Norah Head Masterplan

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Central Coast Council is looking to the community for feedback on the implementation of phase 1 of the Norah Head Village Centre Masterplan (the Masterplan), with a drop-in information session being held 28 February and interactive online map live until 21 March 2019.

The Masterplan is a long-term 10 to 15 year plan for the future of Norah Head that provides a framework to address relevant community and environmental planning issues within the Village Centre.

The plan aims to retain Norah Head’s distinct character of the area through the village centre, whilst improving links to surrounding unique natural features and open space areas, and enhancing social interaction through placement and improvements to public facilities and infrastructure.

As part of Phase 1 of the Masterplan, concept drawings for parking improvements and pedestrian links between the village centre and Mazlin Reserve have been completed and are now open for feedback along with the design of Mazlin Reserve upgrade.

Other planned works from Phase 1 of the Masterplan, which will commence in the coming months, include a three metre shared pathway on the eastern side of Bungary Road between Victoria Street and Maitland Drive, street plantings, parking improvements and a new amenities block in Mazlin Reserve.

Works are underway on the stage one project to construct a footpath on the western side of Bungary Road between Victoria Street and Maitland Drive.

Norah Head Masterplan drop-in session:

Thursday 28 February, from 2pm until 6pm

Norah Head Community Hall.

For more information, and to provide your input via the interactive online map go to, up until 21 March 2019.

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