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Floodplain Risk Management Study to reduce impact of ‘flash’ flooding on local community

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Central Coast Council is undertaking a flood study within the contributing catchments of the Green Point, West Gosford, Point Clare, Koolewong and Woy Woy Bay urban areas.

The study will identify flash flooding ‘trouble spots’ and assess what measures are required to reduce the risk of flooding during significant storm events.

Council Acting Senior Manager Property and Asset Management, Brett Sherar, said Council was seeking the community’s help to collect information on past flooding experiences and local flood knowledge to help with the selection of flood reduction measures.

“These suburbs have been identified as priority areas and this study will focus on stormwater that overwhelms the drainage network causing flash flooding and inundation from elevated water levels,” Mr Sherar said.

“Local knowledge and experience in times of flash flooding is critical to the success of this study.

“We would really like as many residents in these affected areas as possible to contribute to this study by completing the questionnaire, sharing their stories, photos or videos of flood events so we can gain a complete understating of flooding in these local areas.

“Even if you are new to the area, your thoughts and opinions regarding how you would react in the case of a flash flooding event are important to this study, so please take the time to take part.”

Residents in areas covered by the study will receive a letter from Council containing a paper based survey and a reply paid envelope. Residents can either compete and post this survey or complete online at

The study survey is now open and will close on Friday 27 July, 2018.

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