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Council welcomes State Government funding to address erosion at Wamberal Beach

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Central Coast Council has welcomed today’s funding of $207,500 to investigate options to address erosion issues at Wamberal Beach.

The funding under the State Government’s Coastal and Estuary Grants Program will be provided for design and costings for a seawall and beach nourishment. Total cost of the project is $415,000 making this a fifty-fifty joint funded project.

Mayor Jane Smith said a working group had been established to implement the Coastal Zone Management Plan options for Wamberal beach which also considers erosion measures. This funding is now the catalyst to really tackle the complexity of erosion at Wamberal Beach.

“We have had the right people around the table for some time working together to progress this issue and this great funding announcement today means we can really progress work towards a tangible solution for erosion at Wamberal Beach,” Mayor Smith said.

“This funding will kick start the detailed investigation and design work for possible options to find a permanent solution including a revetment or terminal wall.

“There are a number of challenges to work through and this is not about delivering a quick fix – we’re committed to delivering sustainable management measures for the safety of our community into the future.”

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