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Council to celebrate National Library and Information Week

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It might look a little different this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but Central Coast Council is still celebrating National Library and Information Week this year in an online extravaganza.

The week (25-31 May) is designed to promote the range of services that libraries offer to their local area. It will also include National Simultaneous Storytime, an event itself celebrating 20 years of inspiring young Australians to develop a life-long love of reading. This year the featured work is Whitney and Britney Chicken Divas written and illustrated by Lucinda Gifford.

On 25 May, Council kicked off the week with a special Skype author event with Sandie Docker ‘Lunch with Sandie’. Young adult author Will Kostakis will also be hosting an online event through the week on Thursday, 28 May at 4pm.

HSC students will have special guest Rowan Kunz, CEO of Art of Smart Australia host a special online presentation and share his top tips to help students maximise their marks during what is an unprecedented year on Tuesday, 26 May from 5-7pm.

Council Section Manager Library Strategy and Connection, Ben Hartley said local libraries are continuing to deliver services online despite being closed to the public.

“In response to COVID-19, many of our services that were previously available only by visiting a branch have successfully moved online, and it’s significant that we can make the community aware of this during National Library and Information week,” said Mr Hartley.  

“For instance, our family history resources and activities that are usually only available in-branch, can currently be accessed online at home by Library members during this time of social distancing."

Mayor Lisa Matthews said she was thrilled that the community will still be able to celebrate National Library and Information Week in a new way and urged all Coasties to register for the digital sessions.

“Our libraries are doing a tremendous job to ensure that the community has access to information they need during isolation, and these online sessions are a fantastic chance to hear from some very talented authors,” Mayor Matthews said

“Our year 12 students can certainly benefit from these study tips. I would also encourage the community to challenge their mind with the online puzzles that have been created for children and adults to enjoy during isolation, featuring photos from our Local History Collection, which has memorabilia dating back to the early 1880s."

Get involved and celebrate the week with a host of free online events including author talks and more!

Visit for more details.

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