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When heatwave hits – stay cool, hydrated and look out for each other

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Stay safe during this expected hot weather Coasties! Remember to:

To help you beat the heat here are a few simple tips:

  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated – try to avoid sugary and alcoholic drinks, which can make hydration worse.
  • Stay out of the sun. If you need to go outside wear light cotton clothing, apply sunscreen, wear a hat and take water with you.
  • Keep your house cool by closing windows, drawing blinds and turning your fans or air con on before it heats up too much.
  • Write down important numbers and have a support network to keep in touch with friends, neighbours and relatives, particularly if they're elderly, unwell or isolated. 
  • Stock up on food, water and medicines and do daily activities like shopping and gardening early in the day or ask someone to help you.
  • Ensure pets have shelter and adequate water

NEVER leave children or animals alone in a car, even if the air-con is on.

Your usual cool spots may have limited capacity or not be open to maintain social distancing requirements. Even visits to the beach may be limited. Take time to think of other ways to escape the heat this summer.

If you or someone you know shows signs of heat stroke (fits, confusion, staggering) call 000 immediately.

For further information on preparing for heatwaves and hot weather, go to NSW Health

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