Council News
As the year draws to a close, we are busier than ever. We’ve made a great start as a new Council and we’re building a strong team that serves our whole community. As well as continuing to roll out the important projects in our delivery program, we’ve developed a ‘wish-list’ of key enabling projects just in time for Christmas. If funded, these priority infrastructure and investment projects will support new homes, create more jobs, strengthen our natural environment, and build the capacity of our essential services as we grow by nearly 14% over the next 20 years. We’re now working hard to secure partnerships with other levels of government, and encourage collaboration with industry groups and private enterprise, to make our Christmas wishes come true.Just some of the projects we’re seeking funding for include a food and garden organics service, upgraded treatment plant works, improved roads and cycleways, better transport systems and a masterplan for the Warnervale Business Precinct.Council has a good track record of successfully working with others to achieve great community outcomes, and we’ll continue to build strong relationships with State and Federal Government to secure our future.You can find out more by visiting Council’s website and searching for ‘Key Enabling Projects’.I’d also like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Council news
Council manages street lighting services across the Central Coast, working closely with Ausgrid who own the street lighting infrastructure.
Council news
Central Coast Council celebrated International Day of People with Disability on 3 December, promoting understanding, acceptance and inclusion for people with disabilities in our community.As part of Council’s ongoing commitment to accessibility, we recently partnered with the globally recognised Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program.
Public Notices
Under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993-Section 47, Central Coast Council is required to give Public Notice for a proposed lease over part of the land located at 324-334 Terrigal Dr, Terrigal for the permitted use of establishment and operation of a community garden, nature play activities, bush regeneration activities and educational programs for a term of 20 years to Terrigal Community Garden Incorporated. Any submissions should be in writing and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting Council's reference: