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Mayor’s Column: Staying connected

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This week we celebrate Library and Information Week - the theme for 2020 is Create. This provides an opportunity to reflect on the changed environment that has challenged us into a new way of thinking, working, communicating and behaving. Throughout these changes the most significant role we play is how we stay connected. 

What a time to showcase all the ways our libraries have adapted to continue to support our local community in areas of work, school, events, entertainment and education. Whilst some restrictions have been eased, we still need to be reminded that life is not entirely back to normal.

Our libraries offer something for everyone - book borrowing is made easy with a home ‘Click and Deliver’ service and the launch of Council’s Coast Connect YouTube channel is allowing parents and children to experience online what they would experience in-branch. Council’s eLibrary also continues to provide much needed support and activities during this unusual time.

Council has also taken its popular free magazine for over 50s online with a huge take up in subscriptions for the new digital Growing Older And Loving Life! (GOALL). And with popular local events cancelled, another excellent initiative is bringing the Harvest Festival to you to watch from the comfort and safety of your own living rooms through Coast Connect YouTube.

Mayor Lisa Matthews
Central Coast Council

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