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Council welcomes rock fishing safety initiative

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Central Coast Council welcomes the State Government’s initiative to increase safety for rock fishing through the opportunity to opt-in to mandatory wearing of lifejackets while rock fishing.

Many rock fishers already wear life jackets. Central Coast Council will continue to promote the wearing of life jackets as the safest way to get your catch whilst out on the rocks.

Having the wearing of life jackets enshrined in the Local Government Act would enable Council staff to check, educate and enforce the wearing of life jackets while rock fishing. It will also ensure that those life jackets being worn by rock fishers comply with the Australian Standard.

This past summer season has seen over three million people visit the Coast’s patrolled beaches, including rock platforms. Beach Safety staff have completed to date a total of 741 rescues, treated over 4687 first aid incidents with 49,888 preventative actions. This initiative being offered to Council will be considered as another tool to use in its Beach and Water Safety initiatives.

Council reminds fishers who may be rock fishing over the school holiday period that it is vital they wear a lifejacket at all times, wear appropriate clothing and footwear, check the weather and tidal conditions and never fish alone.

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