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Council to Unveil Plans for Scenic Highway at Community Meeting

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Central Coast Council will reveal preliminary plans for Scenic Highway Terrigal at a public meeting to be held in the coming weeks.

Immediately following the tragic accident that claimed the life of Annabelle Deall in early August, Council inspected the site and started a detailed review of the road.

The draft plans, which include improved pedestrian facilities and roadworks designed to slow down traffic, were shown to Federal Member for Robertson, Mrs Lucy Wicks, in late August so she could begin the process to secure federal government black spot funding.

Council’s CEO Mr Rob Noble said Council understands and is empathetic to community concerns and is working on designing a plan for this area.

“This was a terrible, terrible tragedy, and my heart goes out to Annabelle’s family,“ Mr Noble said.

“We have been refining the initial plans and are now in a position to share them with the local community, who have been galvanised by this tragedy.

“Driver education and pedestrian awareness remains a key component of reducing fatalities of pedestrians and drivers alike on our roads.  We will continue to partner with the NSW Police in their endeavours to achieve a zero road toll across NSW.”

Council will secure the services of an independent facilitator to run a public meeting near the site, possibly at the Cowrie restaurant itself, before the end of the year with details to be revealed shortly.

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