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Council reminds community to have say on water pricing submission

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Central Coast Council has lodged its submission on the review of water, sewerage and stormwater drainage prices to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) and is reminding the community to have their say by 12 October.

Following Council’s community consultation process all community members now have an opportunity to provide their feedback directly to IPART.

Council Senior Manager Water and Sewer, Bileen Nel said Council proposed to align prices across the two former local government areas.

“Our submission to IPART recommends a reduction in average residential water bills across the Central Coast from 1 July 2019,” Ms Nel said.

“We are also proposing changes to the way we calculate and apply the stormwater drainage charge.

“The proposed changes to the stormwater drainage charges would see a decrease in the charge for all residential properties and most businesses.

“However, the way businesses were charged in the two former local government areas was completely different and the alignment of prices will result in some businesses paying more for their stormwater drainage services.”

Ms Nel said that most Central Coast residents and businesses already pay a stormwater drainage charge and Council is proposing that this charge be applied to all rateable properties.

“Currently residents and businesses west of the M1 in the former Gosford local government area pay a stormwater drainage charge but equivalent residents and businesses in the former Wyong local government area do not.

“We recently held information sessions specifically for residents and businesses west of the M1 in the former Wyong local government area and Council encourages these community members to provide feedback on the proposed changes directly to IPART.

Council’s proposal to apply a consistent approach to the stormwater drainage charges reflects the regional benefit provided by the stormwater drainage network in protecting public and private property from flooding, helping to connect communities and support access to homes, schools and places of work, and enhancing our natural assets and waterways.

For the proposed changes to the stormwater drainage charges to come into effect they require the endorsement of IPART and Council will then need to apply to the NSW Government for a new Drainage Area to cover all of the Central Coast local government area.

Central Coast community members can provide feedback directly to IPART up until 12 October via and scrolling down to ‘Prices for Central Coast Council from 1 July 2019’.

IPART’s Public Hearing on 27 November is also open to all community members.

Council’s submission, details about the IPART consultation process and answers to frequently asked questions are available at

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