Council News
We’re fortunate to have a beautiful 80km coastline, with more than 40 unique beaches to enjoy year-round. We’re home to bay beaches, open ocean, accessible beaches, dog-friendly beaches, pristine lakes, and lagoons.In the warmer months, the Central Coast becomes a destination of choice for national and international tourists, and our beaches and waterways take centre stage. Fifteen of our beaches are patrolled, and our lifeguards do an incredible job of keeping people safe. Tragically, each year a number of drowning and near-drowning incidents take place despite our best efforts. I urge you to be safe around our waterways by following the advice of Royal Life Saving Australia.
Council news
Central Coast Council has offered a six-month seasonal booking to the Gosford Community Bowling Club to give the Club the opportunity to keep on bowling at the Club’s premises in Dane Drive Gosford after the expiry of the current lease of the site to Central Coast Leagues Club.The Gosford Bowling Club has been facing closure, following the end of their current arrangement with the Leagues Club.Central Coast Council Mayor, Lawrie McKinna said that over the next six months, the Club will have the opportunity to develop a business plan and funding models which they can present to Council for consideration.
Public Notices
In accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993, Central Coast Council gives notice that it proposes to lease out part of 77 Howarth Street, Wyong (also known as lot 2 in DP 550364).
Council news
We’re committed to improving safety in our community with traffic and pedestrian upgrades around local schools.We’ve recently completed important safety improvements at two schools.Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College –The Entrance Campus • Raised pedestrian crossing to slow down traffic and improve visibility of pedestrians.• Left only turning movements from EDSAAC Oval car park to reduce risks at pedestrian crossing.• Kerb buildouts to provide protection and slow down traffic.• Improved kiss and drop facilities (kerbside parking that allows you to stop for up to 2 minutes while you remain within 3 metres of your vehicle) and accessibility for students.The Entrance Public School• Upgraded combined children’s and pedestrian crossing on The Entrance Road.• Raised crossing and kerb buildouts to slow down traffic and improve visibility of students.• Modified bus and parking restrictions for safer access and enhanced kerbside parking.📢 Reminder: