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Protect Your Pipes: Chemical Free Cleaning Workshop @ The Entrance
Eco cleaning kit




Battley Avenue
The Entrance NSW 2261

Welcome to the Protect Your Pipes: Chemical Free Cleaning Workshop! Join us at The Entrance Community Centre for a hands-on event where you'll learn how to keep your pipes happy and healthy without harsh chemicals. Our experts will guide you through eco-friendly cleaning methods that are safe for your home and the environment. Don't miss this opportunity to protect your pipes and make a positive impact! See you there!

The workshop will cover:

• What is chemical free cleaning?

• Why choose chemical free cleaning?

• Cleaners and disinfectants

• Eco Friendly Cleaning Kit (bicarb soda, washing soda, sodium percarbonate, vinegar, lemon, borax, pure soap and essential oils)

• Maintenance and cleaning of appliances (shower heads and taps, blockages, washing machine and dishwasher maintenance)

• Kitchen and bathroom cleaning and recipes for dish washing tablets and all-purpose cleaners

• Laundry cleaning and alternate recipes for laundry powder

• Toilet cleaning and flushables


This workshop is for Central Coast residents only.

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